Antonio C. Caputo

Dr. Caputo was born in Genova, Italy on June 22, 1966. He received his Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from La Sapienza University of Roma in 1991. In 1995 he earned a Ph.D. degree in Energy Engineering and joined the Faculty of Engineering at the University of L’Aquila, Italy, where in 2006 he became a full professor in Industrial & Plant Engineering. In 2009 he moved to Roma Tre University. His primary research interests include analysis and design of production systems, operations management, industrial logistics, risk assessment, systems engineering.
Overall, prof. Caputo authored more than 150 scientific papers including more than 60 published in peer-reviewed international journals. He collaborated with the Gran Sasso Nuclear Physics National Laboratory, in carrying out qualitative and quantitative risk assessment for experimental activities (including world famous Borexino Project), and participated to several European Union-funded research projects. He has been head of the Laurea Degree Programs in Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautical Engineering at the Roma Tre University and was head of the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering branch of the Department of Engineering. He is one of the promoting members of the Ostia branch of Roma Tre University devoted to Ocean Engineering, where he was member of the commitee for the institution of the BS degree programs in Engineering for Marine Technologies and the MS course of Mechanical Engineering for Marine Resources.
He has been member of the evaluating commission of the National Scientific Qualification program for University professors recruitment, as well as member of the Committee of Expert Evaluators for the Academic Research Quality Assessment campaign 2011-2014 organized by the Italian National Agency for University and Research Evaluation.