Antonio NavarraCMCC - Blue Planet Economy Expoforum
Antonio Navarra
President CMCC - Professor, University of Bologna
Antonio Navarra

Antonio Navarra is the President of the Foundation Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (

Born in Naples in 1956, he graduated in Physics in Bologna in 1980 and returned to Italy in 1986 after a PhD at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in Princeton. He is full professor of Meteorology and Climatology at the University of Bologna.

He has been active in the investigation of the dynamical mechanisms that control climate on a global scale, with a special focus on the natural climatic variability of the atmosphere-ocean system on inter-annual to decadal or centennial scale.

The aim is to understand the principal modes of climate variability on inter-annual and decadal scale (teleconnections) through statistical models, numerical simulation and simplified models.
A second sector of activity concerns the simulation and evaluation of climate change through future climate scenarios.

During his career, he has published more than 120 articles in international peer-reviewed journals and he has also edited and written numerous professional books.
Moreover, he has published several popular books and short articles of broader interest in the general press.