Cristian Chiavetta

Cristian Chiavetta is an Environmental Engineer graduated at the Universitiy of Bologna with a PhD on Life Cycle Assessment of renewable energy and secondary materials production.
He is now working as researcher at the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) in the Valorization of Resources Laboratory (RISE). He coordinates Italian and International projects focusing on Sustainable Development and supports companies of the Blue Economy in eco-innovation paths through the implementation of industrial symbiosis instruments and circular economy principles.
He is expert on Life Cycle Assessment Methodology (LCA), Efficient Management of resources and Green Public Procurement (GPP) and he is one of the 10 Italian experts on Circular Economy selected by the Italian Ministry for the Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) to represent Italy in the the Summit of Two Shores initiative. He is the coordinator of B-Blue, a project focusing on the Biotechnologies application in the Blue Bioeconomy sectors, financed by the call for strategic projects of the Interreg-Med programme.