Davide Astiasio Garcia

Davide Astiaso Garcia is Tenured Assistant Professor of Thermal Sciences, Energy Technology and Building Physics at Sapienza University of Rome with the National Academic Qualification as Associate Professor in the same scientific sector.
His full operating skills include, among others: Renewable energies, smart energy systems, energy efficiency in buildings, environmental impact assessments, pollution risk management, indoor and outdoor air quality monitoring and mitigation measures. Furthermore, he is the Secretary General of the Italian Wind Energy Association (ANEV).
He has participated in more than 10 European (Horizon 20202, Interreg Med, ENPI CBC Med, Erasmus+) and national research projects in the field of renewable energies and smart energy systems (in many cases as Principal Investigator and Project Coordinator). He is contracted by the European Commission Research Executive Agency (REA) as expert for the evaluation of the project proposal under H2020 calls “FET OPEN (Future Emerging Technologies)”. He is author of more than 100 scientific publications mainly concerning energy themes (H index 22 in Scopus database).