Galliano De Marco

General Manager of Venice Terminal Passeggeri since October 2016, Galliano Di Marco was born in Pescina (AQ) on June 2, 1960. Graduated with honors in Civil Engineering from the La Sapienza University of Rome, he boasts a consolidated managerial and foreign experience in the infrastructure, finance and retail sectors.
To work further in the Atlantia Group, Autostrade SpA, collecting various top roulets among the Chief Operating Officer, Director of International Corporate Development, Chairman and CEO of various subsidiaries of the group both in Italy and in countries such as the United States, Poland and Chile, already completed also the acquisition of espionage experience in the management of social services.
From 2007 to 2010 he was Chief Investment Officer and Senior Partner of F21-Fondi Italiani for Infrastructures SGR S.p.A. From 2010 to 2012 he reported the idea of the Trustee of Sirti S.p.A. and HIIT S.p.A., General Business International Business at Astaldi Concessioni S.p.A., Senior Advisor for Orizzonte SGR S.p.A.
From 2012 to 2016 he was President of the Port Authority of Ravenna and President of T&C Traghetti e Crociere S.r.l.
De Marco and others appoint as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the subsidiaries Venice Yacht Pier Srl and VTP Engineering Srl and Director of the investments Cagliari Cruise Port Srl, Catania Cruise Terminal Srl.
Entrusted by Marco, Vice President of Assiterminal and President of Autovia Padana Spa, the company that manages the Piacenza-Cremona-Brescia section of the A21 motorway.