Jorge Miguel Lara López

He holds a Business Degree from the University of Valencia, an Official Postgraduate Master’s Degree in Economic Internationalisation: Integration and International Trade from the Institute of International Economics of the University of Valencia and a Master’s Degree in Port Management and Intermodal Transport from ICADE Business School. He also holds a Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investments Projects – Principles and Sector Applications diploma from the Milan Summer School – Università Degli Studi di Milano and CSIL (Centre for Industrial Studies) – IX edition. He began his professional career in the Power Electronics España company in 2001, collaborating as a purchasing manager in the R+D+i Department. In 2010 he works with the Institute of International Economics (IEI), belonging to the University of Valencia, and with the Fundación Valenciaport as a R&D assistant in several projects related to Short Sea Shipping, Logistics and New Technologies applied to maritime transport. In 2012 he was freelance specialist in Maritime Transport, International Trade and ICT Systems.
In September 2014 he joins the Fundación Valenciaport as a member of the Innovation and port cluster Development team. Since 2014, he is mainly focused on sustainability topics, being involved in different projects related to alternative fuels, circular economy ICT and Sea Traffic Management, such as H2PORTS, EALING, LASTING, YEP-MED, STM, GAINN4MOS, Costa project (use of LNG in maritime transport), LOOP-Ports, B2MoS, MedNet, etc. He is expert in Cost Benefit Analysis, participating in different proposal for CEF (Connecting Europe Facilities) He has coordinated the first European Union Circular economy project in ports LOOP-Ports funded by EIT Climate-KIC during 2018-2020. He also currently assists the Chair of Port & Logistics Industrial Research Advisory Group in Waterborne TP and take part of the partnership for Horizon Europe in the same technology Platform.